Redemption Roses
There was a bouquet of roses thrown in the trash - wilted, near dead, heads bowed low. I lifted each head and looked into their "faces". Two of them still held the look of life and promise. Quickly I took them from the trash, put them in the sink with cold water and with a sharp knife, cut away much of their long stem and placed each one in a simple, paper cup.
Thank You, Father, for rescuing me from the "trash" and for lovingly and gently cutting away those parts that were sapping away my life…
When I arrived at work the next morning, the roses were vibrant and alive - glowing with new life. I took them home and placed them in the refrigerator to keep them fresh and to preserve them.
Thank You for giving me new life and for sometimes putting me in cold, dark and lonely places to preserve me.
Sabbath morning, I put each one into a clear glass bowl of cold water and took them to church. There were lots of bumps and curves on the road, but the roses floated gently on top of the water.
Thank You for reminding me that You don't always make the road smooth and straight, but as long as I am in Your arms, I am safe.
One rose took its' place on the pulpit while the other graced the organ. These beautiful roses brought joy and blessing with their message of redemption.
Thank You for bringing me to Your altar, for redeeming me and using me - a rose from the trash - to bring joy and blessing to the hearts of others.
--S. Gail Sweet
August 19,2003
"If you give yourself to Him, and accept Him as your Saviour, then, sinful as your life may have been, for His sake you are accounted righteous. Christ's character stands in place of your character, and you are accepted before God just as if you had not sinned... pardoned, and as though you had NEVER sinned."